Annual report of the ASB K-9 unit Esslingen

On April 1, 2014 a canine unit was established under the roof of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (an organization similar to St. John’s Ambulance) in Esslingen near Stuttgart. It is now time to take stock and document the funding by the Margarete Müller-Bull Foundation, which was put to very helpful use.
Initially, there were seven certified teams. Within a few months, the ASB K-9 unit Esslingen was ready and in December 2014 included into the emergency plan as the primary canine support unit in the Esslingen district. This helpful organization, whose aim is to search for and find persons in distress, has now grown to 15 canine teams, supported by four trainers to assist the dog handlers. The unit is well-equipped with protective gear and communication equipment as well as with vehicles fitted with dog cages and special signals. All this enables the ASB K-9 unit Esslingen to offer their help as a search and rescue team to the district and beyond. The unit is called on by the police or the rescue coordination center, and is available day and night as a voluntary service.