The Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill as a tactile model for the blind

Blind citizens can now also discover the Sepulchral Chapel on Württemberg Hill by touch and feel in a „tangible“ experience.

The 10th of May is a special date in the history of both the former Kingdom of Württemberg and the Russian Empire. For according to the Julian calendar it is the birthday of Queen Katharina (1788–1819). Katharina of Württemberg was famous for her social commitment and to this day the state owes institutions like the Stuttgart Katharinenhospital to her. The deep love between herself and her husband, King Wilhelm I was also famed and after her premature death he built the mausoleum on Württemberg Hill in her memory. It is one of Württemberg’s top sightseeing highlights that can now also be enjoyed by people with impaired vision in a quite literally tangible experience. For on 10 May of this year – almost 200 years after the sepulchre was built – a tactile model for the blind was unveiled in honour of a great patroness, true to the spirit of Margarete Müller-Bull, who was also a keen advocate of social commitment.

Frank Krawczyk, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten BW, Christoph Zalder, MMB-Stiftung, Jörg Krauss, Ministerium für Finanzen BW (v. li. n. re.)
Photo: Stegmüller
We have now officially unveiled it on Württemberg Hill in her name along with Jörg Krauss, Head of the Ministry of Finance. It was created by sculptor Egbert Broerken, an expert in developing such tactile models. The square relief in bronze with sides measuring a good metre let you explore the shape of the Sepulchral Chapel and discover the structure of the building and outhouses.