Renovation and equipment of a food programme

The charity Peru Gruppe Heubach e.V. has a long-term commitment to the slum district Laderas in Lima (Peru). It aims to alleviate the misery found there and motivate the people to take action by helping them to help themselves. All donations and the money earned are used 100% to help the people in Laderas. The charity focuses its aid on poor children in Laderas, who would not receive regular meals or care without this assistance. Since 1989 the soup kitchen in Laderas has been providing around 400 people, including 150 children, with a hot meal every day – financed by Peru Gruppe and cooked by volunteer helpers. As a result of such intensive use the building and its interior were worn out and no longer met health or hygiene standards. The Margaret Müller-Bull Foundation was therefore happy to participate in the urgently needed renovation by sponsoring a high-quality kitchen. Completion of the renovation work is planned for mid-2014.