Main sponsor for Hogar extension – the safe house for young girls in need.

Last year Peru Gruppe Heubach e.V. approached us with an appeal for help from the underprivileged district of Laderas near Lima. The aid was required for the Hogar safe house for girls in need aged 13 to 17, who have fallen pregnant at such an early age, either willingly or unwillingly and who, as the victims of rape, domestic violence or other conflictive situations, have been rejected by their families.
These girls are outcasts, who besides food and attention also require special protection and very sensitive caregiving. In October last year construction work started on the existing safe house in the underprivileged district of Laderas near Lima. Following a short building period at the beginning of July 2015 another floor with seven rooms and three bathrooms on top of the safe house was opened.
To ensure that this goal was achieved at short notice and in the appropriate quality, the Margarete Müller Bull Foundation donated sufficient funds to Peru-Gruppe Heubach e.V. The rooms and façade were harmoniously painted as brightly and cheerfully as the country and its inhabitants. In this poverty-stricken area Hogar has become a beacon of hope of a better life and a better future.