From the ‘Falcon Radio Tower’ in …

… right – we can’t announce the exact location of this tower, one of the last refuges of this extremely endangered species, due to the rigorous protection laws enjoyed by the peregrine falcon in this country. However we can tell you that the 900 peregrine falcon couples recorded in the 1950s was reduced to a mere 60 in 1982. They had sought refuge in just two federal states. The Bavarian and Swabian Alps were the last areas in which these spectacular birds of prey were still breeding.
Since March/April 2013 signs of falcon nesting at the tower in question were becoming increasingly visible: droppings, food residues and, above all, the loud mating calls of a male falcon, which in 2014 obviously enjoyed a considerable response. A young female took up residence. Although an encouraging signal, the opportunities for building a nest were unsatisfactory to say the least. With the exception of the grated platforms, the approx. 150 metre-high radio tower did not provide a very good basis. In 2015 this fact was registered with horror by the Verband Artenschutz in Franken®, which had meanwhile taken on the sponsorship of these birds. The young female falcon had laid two eggs in April, which however had dropped out of the nest during a sitting changeover.
Thanks to funding by the Margarete Müller-Bull Foundation a very safe, not to mention extremely comfortable ‘nursery’ was built for the peregrine falcons at this exposed place. Safe, because the custom-built nest is anchored to withstand storms at a height of 40 m, while its stainless steel exterior is guaranteed a minimum life span of 50 years. Conveniently fitted with multi-layer insulation material and a sophisticated venting system, the auxiliary nest is clad with untreated natural wood to provide an exclusive haven for a family that is at the very least just as exclusive – the peregrine falcon couple and its offspring. The lattice around the tower provides the latter with a training frame to tone their flying muscles and perch for swooping down onto the aerie.